Thich Nhat Hanh

Is there a connection between the teachings of the Catholic Saint of the 17th Century, Vincent de Paul, and the ancient practice of mindfulness meditation espoused by Zen Buddhism?
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Duane Elgin

Vincent de Paul encouraged his companions in mission to cultivate five virtues: simplicity, humility, meekness, mortification and zeal. The first, simplicity, he described as “my gospel.” To reflect on how we might interpret Vincent’s focus on simplicity as Vincentian leaders today, w
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Mohandas Gandhi

Though they lived centuries apart, Vincent de Paul and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi are viewed as examples of transformational leadership.
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Peter Senge

Senge suggests we approach self-care by managing the stress-producing tension naturally arising from a conflict between that which we desire and the truth of our current reality. To lesson the tension and stress, we need to name and stay true to our values, ideals and purpose; and als
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