Peter Block

Building Empowerment and Stewardship Through Community
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Tom Atlee

“An important dimension of wisdom is perspective – the ability to see different aspects of a situation and how they fit together. The more different facets of a situation we can take into account, the more inclusive, appropriate, effective and benign – in other words, the wiser – our
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Leonard Doohan

Leonard Doohan suggests that “all leadership development is ultimately self development.”
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Duane Elgin

Vincent de Paul encouraged his companions in mission to cultivate five virtues: simplicity, humility, meekness, mortification and zeal. The first, simplicity, he described as “my gospel.” To reflect on how we might interpret Vincent’s focus on simplicity as Vincentian leaders today, w
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Mohandas Gandhi

Though they lived centuries apart, Vincent de Paul and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi are viewed as examples of transformational leadership.
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